Tuesday, May 29, 2012


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Cartoonist Jeff Parker.

Kofi Annan.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


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Matt Wuerker is a cool guy. He's also this year's winner of the Pulitzer in cartooning!

He asked me for a drawing to donate to an  auction to take place soon. Democracy in Americas is organizing this event next month and they hope to sell some cartoons.

I heard my pal Boligán will donate one too.

I'm a bit afraid that my cartoons in general, when dealing with the subject of the travels and the embargo, are not very kind to Castro 1.0 and Castro 2.0. Those are not the graphic humor sample you rely on to improve or to foster any dialogue with the Cuban government.

 I know!


This is the one I'm giving away.

A little bit more

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thursday, May 10, 2012